Saturday, July 25, 2015


So you get into a serious relationship where you are claiming each other as bf/gf. The newness is very exciting and sometimes can make you feel apprehensive. If you absolutely feel like this person could be your soul mate, then take your time and take each day as it comes. Try to get to know this person's likes and dislikes. Get to know this person like the back of your hand if possible. I understand that might be close to impossible at times because you really don't know someone 100%. Compatibility and chemistry play a vital role on if there is staying power in your serious relationship. When I describe a relationship as serious, I mean that the relationship becomes more exclusive with only you and your partner. I mean that your no longer a flavor of the week(Not that you might have been before). There are a lot of people who prefer dating more than one person, and that is fine if someone is okay with that. So the two of you really get along. You appreciate your similarities but also do not mind your differences. In fact, your differences a lot of times compliment each other. They usually tend to be the very thing that you need in your life. An example is if you are bad at math but your partner is a math genius. So here are the pro's of staying in the relationship that you and your partner declared serious.

  1. Your partner can compromise in matters and everything does not have to be about him or her.
  2. Your partner tends to not be selfish and has no problem sharing food, a bed. money for rent, bills or anything you might momentarily lack.
  3. He or she calls you or text every lunch and at least one 15 minute break to let you know you are thought of. 
  4. If you don't have a car, he or she takes you to work, school, or where you need to go. Sometimes even if it cuts into their sleep before work.
  5. Your partner eventually introduces you to friends and family and most of them like you.
  6. Beautiful people walk in front of your partner and your partner seems totally oblivious to the person's gorgeousness.
  7. When you dress up, your partner's eyes light up like your the most beautiful person in the world.
  8. You share a mental and emotional connection.
  9. Your partner actually wants you to come to lunch with him or her on breaks and wants you present when the two of you want to go somewhere.
  10. Your partner will help you with projects and endeavors that you might find hard or scary.
  11. Doing something generous like driving an hour just to make sure your okay and get home safe when you have poor night vision(True story). My bf did that for me and he still would if I asked him.
  12. Does things to nurture your dreams or to make you happy.(True story, bought me a keyboard to learn how to play).

Then there are the things that will make a lot of people run and its understandable why.

  1. Lies to you about anything and everything.
  2. Keeps secrets about the opposite sex(flirting, chatting on porn sites or flirting with other people).
  3. Flirts with people in front of you.
  4. Lets his parents talk down to you.
  5. Mistreats your kids and does not want kids.
  6. A partner is a commitment phobe.
  7. Comes in, eats all your food and expects you to support him or her while not contributing to the household.
  8. Wants to dip hands into you bank account while saving their money.
  9. Ask for money often but if you need money, low and behold the person just so happens to be broke. A day or so later, you witness the person buying something expensive or just something in general. I'm sorry I just think this is wrong!
  10. Your partner ignores you or does not care about your needs.
  11. Your partner is a commitment phobe but does not want you seeing other people either.
  12. Your partner does not support your ambition or the fact that you want to get your education.
  13. If your partner does not take up for you at least sometimes when someone bad mouths you.
  14. Unless a person is allergic to animals they don't like pets. Its not really a bad thing because that is just the person's preference. It does make things easier if someone's partner likes pets though.
  15. If a person tries to take you away from your friends and family so you will be isolated all by yourself. Some friends will try to be sneaky, condescending home wreckers because of jealousy. I can understand why a partner would try to get their partners away from individuals like this, but to isolate someone because of greed is ridiculous!
  16. You partner hits you or is in anyway abusive. No one deserves to be mistreated.
  17. Your partner stalks you when your away from home. If your cheating and give your partner a reason to have the cast of CHEATERS to follow you that is a different story.

This brings me to another point and that's if you or your partners parents or friends stalk you to dig up dirt on either of you.


This way you can get a feel if you want to spend more time with your partner.  Doing this will let the two of you see if things will be positive or negative after the introductory period. This next blog posting will go hand in hand with this current posting you just read. My eBook is still at the same websites as my previous postings:

  • a free chapter before you purchase)
  • and are in the works of becoming finalized.
Thank you so much for dropping by and have a great day!!

Copyright 7/26/15 S.L. Melendez

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