Friday, July 17, 2015


So I haven't been on for a couple days. Its not that I didn't want to, I think I sort of had mild writers block. First and foremost, I absolutely hate when people try to steal peoples joy for any reason. Its wrong on so many levels and what gives people the right to be able to do so?  I'm a firm believer in living and let people live. There are so many ways that people will try to steal your joy. Personally I love to sing. I have had some people tell me that I have a beautiful voice and then I have had people to say "You can't sing....stop trying to be a want to be!". Guess what? I still sing because I love it Plus I'm learning to play keyboard and I absolutely love doing so. I love music in general. To me it tells many stories if you really listen to it! At the time when I was told I could not sing, I made sure I raised my voice to purposely sound like crap and to see that person grimace lol. If I had my way everyone in the world would not have any problems to worry about. They would not have struggles, fears, suffer pain or disease. I can dream can't I? I am very much a realist but I have also been called a dreamer and I wear that title proud. Yes John Lennon's song Imagine is one of my very favorite songs. He had the right idea when he sang that song and he had such a beautiful voice.  There will be a multitude of people who will try to steal your joy and happiness. I promise you this and sometimes they might not even have a reason to do it.  They will be doing it just because they can. People tend to steal joy from individuals they view as weak.  These types of people try to make you unhappy because they are unhappy about things or people in their life. When some people see that you have your life together, they will try to destroy what makes you happy. They will take their hate out on your material things, your significant other(trying to steal him or her away from you) or damage your car.  There are people who might try to get you hooked on drugs or  begin drinking to drag you down. Your enemies will always try to steal your joy. This is because they don't like seeing you happy when they are miserable. If you are heavy and trying to exercise and job, people sometimes make fun of you. This is sometimes when they see you helping yourself. For some evil reason they will laugh at people which to me is very ignorant.   I have had people make fun of me when I was out in Boise. That is why I don't go to a gym and  I exercise at home. I want to be somewhere where I don't have to be judged, pointed at or stared and laughed out. I'm sorry but stuff like that its very wrong to make people feel bad about themselves. Trust me, most people know what is wrong with them selves without having to constantly remind them of it. Some people have built in filters but some people can be fragile. It doesn't help that various forms of media are always point out what is wrong with both males and females. My heart goes out to men and women who think they are ugly, when they are in fact drop dead gorgeous! I think most people are beautiful but its their heart and spirit I'm primarily attracted to. Anyways to me its wrong for people to make fun of people trying to lose weight and they are laughed at and ridiculed. Its downright sad and the rudest thing you can do to someone. I see it like this, if someone decides they want to improve them self by becoming proactive then right on! When I see them doing something about their weight I high five them. I tell them I'm proud of them and keep up the good work. You can see that you brightened up their day just a little bit. You planted a seed of motivation and maybe they will get up the next morning and try to lose weight again the next day and day after that. They will ask themselves if he or she can try for another day. If the individual does decide to attempt exercise another day, its not only done for himself but probably for others. This group most likely consist of a significant other, a parent, a child, a loved one in general. I hate when people are made fun of or ridiculed. I love the saying "Don't blow someone's candle out to make yours brighter". Its true and it has so much meaning with human dynamic. If you are really tall, thin and pretty, and other women are snarky toward you possibly because they are jealous, pay no mind to it. Enjoy being who you are because you were born in the body you were born in for a reason.  I admit I have seen tall beautiful ladies with long legs. I'm 5'1 and I could only imagine what its like to be tall. I have been 5'1 since I was in 8th or 9th grade. I'm 37 now. I feel as young as 25 but I'm at that maturity level. Same goes for the short ladies. Your just as beautiful and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!  Whether your a taller or shorter man, be happy with yourself. Same as if you are lean or on the heavier side, we are all beautiful in God's eyes. Another thing I wanted to cover in this blog is open to try new different things. If you are a guy who enjoys doing artistic things like ballet, dancing, art, drawing, crocheting, cooking, cosmetology or interior design, by all means do it and ENJOY it! Don't let people try to steal your joy or say mean, biased, slurring things about it while ridiculing you. I think more guys should try feminine or artistic things. I do not see anything wrong with trying to learn to fix a car, flat tire, putting things together and repairing things. I have taught myself a number of things that are considered to be more masculine than feminine. Here is a list of what I am talking about: Changing a spark plug in a push lawn mower, working on the inside of my car hood(minor things like checking oil, refilling window wash fluid, refilling my antifreeze, changing the battery in my car, charging my car battery with my car charger, checking air in my tires, changing a tire, spraying my cars serpentine belt. Aside from doing minor things with a car,(I had a 95 Chevy Camero that was red with black trim. Caused me so many problems I called it Demona because I think she had evil gremlins living inside her) I put together a platform bedframe, wooden bookcase, a small rolling grill(okay the handle was put on backwards but it still rolled:)) and two different elliptical riders. My point is if you want to learn to do something bad enough,  man or a woman don't let anyone tell you that you can't. If you enjoy doing something, don't let someone tell you your not allowed to do it. If people make fun of you, ask yourself if they are really your true friends. If family is making fun of you trying to steal your joy,  then you have two choices. You can stay around and listen to them or you can walk around them and continue doing things to make yourself happy. Another way people will try to steal your joy/happiness is by  doing something to your car. Like clockwork if you buy a car, someone will eventually try to vandalize or scratch it. Its not so much that they are jealous of the car but because you are who you are. They take their dislike for you out on your car. These folks can't get away with assault but when they sneak and attack your car at night because they are cowards, what does it say about their low life character? If your car is especially extravagant, kill joys will take their envy out on your car just because they don't have the same thing. It is sad that there is so much hate in the world. If you find the person who did it,(Damage to a car) press charges and take them to court. Its not right to do that to people. Someone will always be there to try to steal from you whether its your bf/gf/ or material things. Some people will do it just to see if they can get away with it. I don't understand why there must has to be so much hurt go on in the world? My family had a little dog that was part terrier and what looked like part Chihuahua that someone actually stole. The important thing is  under no circumstances let anyone steal your joy and happiness from you. Continue holding your head up and moving on. I have found in my lifetime, when people don't know that they hurt you, they don't know what to do or how to react. Depending on the situation that you and another person are in, having your joy stolen from you could lead to long time ill feelings and grudges. Both of these could result in an angry exchange of words. I admit there was times in my life when I was extremely pissed off a number of people. I did not think I would ever get over my grudge, or that I would ever be able to forgive these individuals. I could not bring myself to try to make amends with them. Speaking of which.. If you would like to hear more tips on trying to make amends with people and what time is the right time to  walk away from those who refuse to forgive you, go to: and purchase my eBook for the VERY AFFORDABLE price of only $2.99. My eBook can also be found on, and for now for $2.99 as well.
 I am currently researching other venues and platforms to market my eBook. I will keep everyone posted. I might post my next blog later tonight, early morning and I might not. I will announce things on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Thank you for visiting and have a great day. Until we meet again take care.


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