Friday, July 31, 2015


Since some of my eBook is about love and relationships I thought I would type a post regarding the title I used ALLS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR. I stumbled upon this title and I honestly think the comparison is interesting. To me its like comparing love and hate. Both emotions are forms of passion. I have always heard hate is a form of love and I believe it. To me its a form of dark, black love or black energy coming from someone who resents another person. When you love someone, I really mean true love, agape love, you basically throw all the rules out the window to stay in love or to keep that love alive. You will try to do whatever it takes to protect that person. You will do what you have to, to keep that person well. You will fight who you need to in order to make sure your love stays alive. Of course this goes for your partner giving you the same treatment. This would include moving long distance to nurture the love you have with someone. Moving long distance to be with a person you love takes a lot of mental and emotional strength. You sacrifice time that you can never get back to spend with your tribe/family/friends. You risk taking up loneliness and anxiety. Everything new is waiting to greet you and your not sure that you will be able to mesh with changes. For the brave folks who take the risk including myself who has been there, done that congrats to you. Also happy travels to those either traveling today or in the near future. Have a happy life to everyone moving before fall gets here. I moved here from AL 1,980 miles, back in 2009. It was a scary thing for me. It was majorly scary!! I did not know when or if I would fall on my face. I didn't find love right away. I found it a year later when I was on the verge of completely giving up. My point is, if you know it will make you happy, moving long distance is definitely worth the effort and sacrifice. Sometimes everything you need is waiting many hours from where you was living your life. The sacrifice you take moving is fair in love to keep it alive.
In all honesty if I had my choice, I would bring our troops home. I'm always wondering if they are okay. Personally there is nothing fair about them having to go to war. Keeping love alive is one thing but realistically when a soldier is fighting for his or her life, the last thing this person is thinking about is what is fair. In fact the soldier is probably thinking how unfair it would be if a terrorist were to kill him or her while there is a spouse or family at home waiting for them to come back home. I don't think this is fair at all!! In fact I absolutely hate death and I wish people would never have to die. Unless they are a zombie that kind of person scares me. I love ghost, vampires, werewolves/shape shifters, and aliens/robots but zombies creep me out:( Getting back on subject, the terrorist definitely don't seem to mind hurting our soldiers. When soldiers are protecting us, the rules should not be strict if our military is caught off guard trying to save us from people trying to kill them, and want to do the same to us. Military should not kill just to kill but if they anticipate someone going to try to do something bad to one of our soldiers, of course they will have to use their best judgment. I will never understand why there has to be war at any point in history. I understand someone, somewhere always wants power and to over throw someone. It would be wonderful if people could just get along. If the United States are defending themselves from terrorist, biological warfare or nuclear bombs to save or country, then yes to me that's only fair. All I'm saying is war, terrorism, chaos, and controversy troubles and saddens me. I hope and pray one day everyone in the world can actually get along and be at peace with one another. My eBook is still at,, a free chapter when you buy) and I am still awaiting approval for and I should know some thing by this coming Monday. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I always hope you are doing well. Until next time I will talk to you soon:)

Copyright 7/31/15 S.L. Melendez

Acts 11:22-24 
Acts 27:21-25

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