Sunday, July 19, 2015


Asking someone for forgiveness can be a very hard thing to do. It really depends on the situation that people are in. It also depends on the severity of what happened between the individuals. In this blog I divided it into two parts. The first part covers examples as to why a person should keep asking another for forgiveness. The second part of this blog covers when it is time to walk away from the situation. To begin, if a parent was hurt in some manner by a child or family member, it is appropriate to ask for forgiveness more than once. The parent was affected in a very negative way the individual's overall well being. Other examples can include a child running away, or stealing from a parent. A person hurting a sibling mentally, physically or emotionally abusing the sibling can be added to the list. A person who decides to do something bad to a friend because of seeking revenge or just to be spiteful for personal reasons. Sometimes when people do bad things to others, depending on what the situation is, their actions will probably have serious repercussions. If someone accidently kills another person's pet, whether it is a pet of a family members, friends or a stranger, the impact will effect a lot of people. Something like this, along with the above examples, can hurt people in more ways than one.
 A very drastic example of when it would be extremely hard for someone to forgive is when someone accidently kills another person's family member/loved one. If someone accidently or deliberately killed one of my loved ones, I don't think I would be able to forgive them. I'm being honest and I am not claiming to have all the answers but once someone is gone its forever. I do believe in reincarnation but that is a whole other conversation that might take place as a wild card blog. A person became drunk and had an affair, only to realize it was a very stupid and trust breaking mistake. The spouse or significant other has a choice whether to forgive or walk away. It depends on the love both people have for one another. It also depends on the initiative the individual has to want to save the relationship. Next is when a parent leaves a child with a "trusted" babysitter who turns out to molest the child. The child grows up and blames the parent for having being left alone with the babysitter. The child will never be the same and most likely not know how to forgive the parent. The parent will probably always carry life long, locked away guilt within. This situation depends too on if its a dysfunctional, domestic violence type of situation too. A parent might know something is going on but turns a blind eye toward the situation. When people are trying to fight their personal demons, those same demons affecting them will also effect others around them. Different types of demons individuals could be trying to conquer are as followed: alcohol use, drugs, gambling, overeating, depression, promiscuity, stealing,  the list goes on and on. When a parent deserts a child or children the effect can have last results. This situation can cause a child to wonder why the parent left and give the child a fear of rejection and abandonment complex. This complex the child carries through life will most likely affect all of the person's personal relationships.  The parent could come back into the child's life and ask for forgiveness so the relationship can possibly be repaired. When an ex sister-in-law or brother-in-law- deliberately keeps someone's  nieces and nephews away until they are grown up. The ex sis or brother in law acts like nothing went down. The in law then acts like the both of you are supposed to skip off in the sunset holding hands. Sorry I don't think so! A person can never get those years back and the in-law does not understand that you were cheated out of getting to know them. When siblings or family spend a number of years fighting like crazy to be in your life, only to find that when all of you are older they pull a Houdini and act like they don't want  to talk to you, it causes you to scratch your head. You will definitely wonder what went on there. When someone accidently wrecks a person's car, the person with the wrecked car is surely not going to forgive easy.  When a person breaks someone's heart so bad that it breaks the person's trust. The heart broken individual will most likely develop trust issues and this person will most likely have a hard time forgiving the person heart breaker.

Category 2:  When someone should walk away and give up on trying to obtain forgiveness.
Again, this is my personal opinion and each person's situation is different.  If someone won't forgive you but claims they are a good person. True, they might be a good person but  I consider this very hypocritical. How are you suppose to not forgive but expect God to forgive you? Not only that but the person who refuses to forgive seems not to understand that there is no such thing as being perfect, their crap stinks like the rest of us and everyone makes mistakes. Next is when people keep throwing your past in your face or they seem to enjoy holding something over your head. To me I find that very juvenile and a person does have to take this treatment. This is especially true if the individual is sincerely sorry for their mistakes. Someone has to want to forgive you but DO NOT  be a victim to their emotional b.s.  Next is when someone forms an unnecessary vendetta against you and refuses to hear what you have to say about any situation. This type of situation usually happens in the workplace.  In other words, a person forming a bias against you for one or more reasons and it usually happens because of brown nosed people whispering in the boss's ear.  When this person does this, its because he can or due to having a negative attitude toward everyone in life. When someone does things to you over and over and acts like its okay. You do something and that person plays the hypocritical victim. Another example is when you are mad at a group of people so much you decide to take your life back. By taking your life back, you decide to start your life over or you decide to disappear. When you did no wrong but your the bad guy for standing up for yourself or your loved ones. As times people tend to not like brutally honest, straight shooter people who calls it like they see it. There will be times when you barely know people but they act like you did something wrong to them. These same people act like there is something about you they don't like. Walk on and don't look back. Life is too short to stop and try to figure out these situations. However, if you must know what this group of individuals are thinking, I have a chapter in my new eBook dedicated to knowing why you meet certain people and what role they might end up playing in your life. Everyone you meet at one point or another will most likely teach you a life lesson. Some will be hard lessons. Some will be lessons of courage, wisdom, humbleness, understanding. The lessons are in my opinion ongoing. To learn more about why we  cross paths with people/why God puts people in our life go to,,, and

I am still researching platforms to put my eBook on. My eBook is still a very affordable $2.99 in American dollars. My blog might seem a little vague. However, all the juicier details are in my eBook. If I was a stranger and I read my own blogs, they would definitely spark my curiosity. I type these blogs because as I said on my author page, I want to reach as many people as possible. I am proud to have the opportunity to share the wisdom and life knowledge that I have obtain in my life experience with all of you.  I am still learning lessons myself along with everyone. I am glad I get the chance to reach your eyes and ears even if its through a computer blog and social media. I am confident though that my eBook will be one that about 90% of people who read it, will be able to relate to it. I am positive it will inform, inspire and motivate most people who read it. Until we meet again have a great evening/morning. COPYRIGHT 7/19/15 S.L MELENDEZ

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